Michael Hammond, (Commonly known as Monster-Handler Mike) Is a member of Big Blue Bubble's design/production team. He was the FIRST person to come up with the idea of little furry balls jumping on mushrooms and logs, and NOT that other guy.
His last name shares the same name as a certain monster in a game that Big Blue Bubble has taken down due to "stuff".
His last name also rhymes with Ben's last name, despite then never eating a cheese pizza together.
Michael is not a woman, despite him being a human, and having a crush on the Tyrannasourus Rex.
He did the voices of PongPing, which is the sound of an unknown art of his body hitting on another unknown part of his body.
"I love you, PongPing!"
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is so "fun!"
"I'm gonna blow"
"As behalf of Monster-Handler Matt, I am telling you all that I love bagels, along with Tom Meikle"
"Alight lemme get ready real quick."
"Who is this green fucker peeking behind my shoulder"