Charlie Conlon, (Commonly known as Monster-Handler Charlie) Charlie Conlon, also known as Monster-Handler Charlie, is a Video and Motion Designer I, and was formerly a Quality Assurance Representative at Big Blue Bubble. He hosts the video series Monster Mythos, as well as the short form series "Stumped Minis". He is also a voice actor, providing the vocals for Gnarls, along with Tyson and Jenn. He wrote Rare Jam Boree's bio.
He is not to be confused with his Geometry Dash alter ego: "GD_Charlie".
Also not to be confused with the hit TV star: Charleyyy, who appears in the hit TV show: "Charleyyy and Friends".
Welcome to my "Website!".
He's livin that life, according to Charleyyy.
"Woohoo! Yay!"
"Wopa gangnum style"
"Yesterday was Thursday, today is Armageddon!"
"Hey Jenn, remember the time when I was having "fun"? Man, those were the days."